I have a question for you... Do you ever wear hats? By this I mean, do you wear glamorous hats? Hats such as the 60s pillbox? The 20s cloche hat? Hats with feathers? Or hats that are soft and fluffy? Maybe a boater? A rimmed hat? ...Regardless, what I'm trying to say is, why wouldn't you wear a hat? Wouldn't it be fun to see people running around in the streets dressed in silly, pretty, whimsical hats with feathers that fave in the wind! I of all people would love that... Ah what a wonderful world would it be!
Sadly hat isn't the it item of the day. Therefore, we rarely see any feathers or other mad hatters roaming about in the streets. But for the sake of the joy of dressing up, why wouldn't we bring hats back, if only in this little corner of the internet?
And yet maybe, the matter of hats is that they feel a bit old fashioned, unfamiliar and too fine in a sense that you never dare to put them on. Like there's never a fancy enough time for a hat. Therefore, wearing a hat is a bit like drinking water from a beautiful, crystal champagne class during the week wihtout having a reason for it, other than feeling a little rebelious in a very, very, very odd and unrebelious way. Which reminds me of having juice from a wine glass as a child purely because it felt more exiting, but most of all, unutterable more fabulous. In fact, in my childhood I can recall multiple occasions of drinking the "wrong" substance from the "wrong" but very much more thrilling glass or cup... Anyway, even if hats have become distant from the everyday and not-so-everyday style it doesn't mean the time of the hat is ending.
So let's hold on to our hats and take a hatted holiday!
The Holiday Hat And Other Essentials...

A winter getaway or any holiday in a hotter climate is not really a holiday without a hat. But no ordinary hat is fit for the occassion of a glamorous holiday in sunshine...

"Only the best of those
hay colored
but warm toned straw hats
will manage to deliver
the rich and fabulous
holiday aesthetics of
a french riviera".

As wonderful as a hat can be on a holiday it's still only one part of the outfit. That is why, we need all the other essentials to complite this hatted holliday look...

"A white linen shirt,
a holiday fragrance,
pare of sandals and
the book of the trip
are classic other essentials
to set the spirit of a relaxing stay
wherever you are in the world".

Thank you so much for reading!