. . . that ever so often there comes a time when one needs desperately to get away from ordinary life: its stress and unfabulous events that so often weights down your good spirit.And as it happens the coming Christmas time with all of its sparkle and glory can be, well, simply too much fo the ones who seek no other than innocent fun, lounging and exciting parties without those mortal preparations that surely put your back in pain. That is when a comfort loving lot of wondrously rich folk arrive with their hundred suitcases to the most magical winter resort on northern hemisphere. . .
. . . a place situated in remote wilderness so far back in north that on December daylight hardly sheds light above the horizon leaving endless sparkle of a winter's night to be the ever occuring state of the visit.With the moon always high and snow and stars twinkling on both ends of the world the curious quests of Grand Hotel soon forget their real life problems leading many more peculiar events to appear. .
Guest 3
Lady Oakshire III
Lady Oakshire III is a new comer to The Grand Hotel. She's known for growing world's biggest oak trees and owning the largest area of oak forest in the world. Her kingdom Oakshire estate is estimated to have over 10 000 oak trees which most are about 200 years old individuals. Because Lady Oakshire is third in line to the crown she has had to occupy her disappointment of never making it to the throne with a business in oakpaper and tree welfare which she takes very, very seriously since she is only the thrid woman to manage Oakshire estate in her family (which she also never fails to mention in conversation). In fact, Lady Oakshire is actually asked by the Grand Hotel to visit on December to induct the tree situation and welfare of the hotel's beloved candel sprouces. As an exchange she can stay at the hotel free of charge for the whole of December. What a treet, don't you think!
While enjoying the pleasures and amusements of the Grand Hotel Lady Oakshire besides trees has taken up another rather scandalous hobby, or so she thinks. . . Unlike all the other guests Oakshire is not interested in Mademoiselle Blue's dinners but spends her evenings in the hotel's living room area by the fire, which reminds her of her beloved Oakshire estate (she's very sentimental by heart and becomes homesick even on short trips). There she sits alone writing letters to an unknown guest at the hotel. As it happens Oakshire has taken part in Grand Hotel's extremenly private and never-to-gush-about "Secret Letters -club" which only few visitors know about. Of course this was totally accidentel but as a fan of detective stories Lady Oakshire is puzzled by the mysterious pen pal of hers who sent the first letter using a peacock as a deliverer (There's a special breed of white winter peacocks living on the grounds of the Hotel). "Most peculiar!" thought Lade Oakshire as well but will she ever discover who this curious sender is? That we will never know. . .
The look to wear by the fire...
Green and blue toned classic tartan skirt
Dark red cable knit jumper with a gold brooch
Dark red beret
Red boots
Forest green shoulder bag
Gold hoop earrings
Red lipstick
Who do you think Lady Oakshire's secret pen pal is?
Which guest has been your favorite so far?
Thank you so much for reading!
See you in the next one. . .