Recently, I have been inspired by the world of great writers such as Virgina Woolf, Jane Austen, Shakespeare, Dickens, Emily Bronte, Oscar Wilde and more. In other words, I have been incredibly, wondrously curious. I have imagined how they got ideas for their big novels and poems. What things they went through in life to have been able to write about love, heartache and friendship alike.
But more importantly, I have imagined where they sat wondering and where they went roaming, what they ate for dinner and how their voices sounded. I have imagined how their rooms could have looked like and was their handwriting really as intricate and beautiful as any old handwriting that's almoust impossible to read but delightful to watch. Needles to say, I have tried my best to see an image of these great minds in all of their human glory but what I have, perhaps, tried even harder is to see behind the pages to the ordinary faces and ordinary lives everyone of them led.
And yet, I haven't even read most of anything from Austen or Shakespeare. And how silly is that. How silly it seems to ponder in the lives of these people whose words I have never read and through whose eyes I have never looked. But still, it won't change the fact that there seems to be an aura of wonderfulness surrounding these writers making their words appear more magical and truer and which you then try to capture like fine gold dust hanging on air.

So instead of actually reading any of the books writen by the old masters I have spent Saturday evenings counting my pennies on Adlibris (my new favorite place to shop) trying to decide which book to get and collecting quotes from Winnie the Pooh and Room of one's own (which I surprisinly have read) on Pinterest while marvelling the mountain of knowledge. And let me tell you, never have I ever felt more inspired and excited to have a seemingly endless list of books to read and words to remember, a list I might never complite but which always offers a door to a different world. After all, isn't it just glorious to know that you can never know it all and that there's always something to discover and be surprised by!
Therefore, even if it seems silly, being wondrously curious is my new favorite thing. Who cares anyway if you haven't read all the books as long as you stay curious to see what you might find when you finally do read them. Until then, I enjoy being curious while truly knowing nothing but my own possibly incorrect ideas of the writers with seemingly wondrous auras.

A knitted two-piece set in oatmeal colored yarn, a brown felt hat, a green leather bag, red nail polish, orange tights, small amber earrings and a watch with black leather strap.

Have you been wondrously curious of something lately?
Is there any classic books you would like to read?
Thank you so much for reading!